"Официальный сайт художника Павла Ляхова: международный проект Все оттенки Тьмы"
Official site art-studio of Lyakhov Pavel :: Официальный сайт  художника Павла Ляхова
Official site art-studio of Lyakhov Pavel :: Официальный сайт  художника Павла Ляхова
A L L    S H A D E S    of    D A R K N E S S
International Exhibition project of Center Dark Arts of Pavel Lyakhov

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О проекте.

"All shades of Darkness" - Russia's largest exhibition project that represents the viewer a multifaceted and mysterious art related to the theme of dark romance and dark mystery, and covering all shades of dark art: from the Gothic to the heartrending psycho-dark art. The basic concept works: a dark romance, dark, mystic, dark nature, and similar topics. A further development of the project. Everyone who may have a partner, information, sponsorship or other support, please call 8-917-507-59-41 (Pavel).

The first exhibition of the project All Shades of Darkness (7 - 21 February 2010, Moscow, gallery "N").

The first exhibition of "All shades of Darkness", organized by the "Dark Arts Centre of Pavel Lyakhov" at exhibition halls of the gallery "N", is an international exhibition project, combining creativity more than 20 artists from Russia and CIS. The exhibition of this scale on this topic for the first time - this is its uniqueness. [Read a detailed report on the exhibition "All shades of Darkness"]

Questionnaire for those wishing to participate in the project all the shades of Darkness-II.

As part of the development project planned new exhibitions, including exhibition "All shades of Darkness-II". Everyone wishing to join the exhibition project provided the opportunity to send their works to the email address markiz-dark@mail.ru or fill out the online application: [FORM] . Do not forget to include your telephone number.

 Все оттенки Тьмы  Павел Ляхов - организатор выставки  Пелагея Звездная на фоне картины Беженцы  На открытии

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